NGC 7479

    Caldwell 44, PGC 70419, UGC 12343

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SBbc spiral galaxy
Constellation Pegasus
Coordinates RA:23h 04m 57s  D:+12° 19' 20"
Magnitude 10,9
Size 4,0x3,1 arc min


Optics Starworks Ritchey-Chrétien 12" f/8 
Mount Losmandy G11 with Gemini goto
Camera Sbig ST10XME with CFW-10 filters wheel and AO-7 adaptive optics unit
Exposure LRGB: 420-80-110-160 minutes
Notes -


Where is this object in the night sky? Below a sky chart of the location (from Stellarium 8.0 planetarium).


